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Closing Loopholes Act - Delegates' Rights Added to Modern Awards act changes closingloopholes fairworkcommission modernawards nsw nt rights sa tasmania union vic wa workplace workplace delegates Jun 21, 2024

Changes to Delegates' Rights - Here's what you need to know! 

From 1 July 2024 we will see delegates' rights terms included in all Modern Awards. Any Enterprise Agreements and workplace determinations made after this date will also need to include a delegates' rights term. 


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Closing Loopholes Act - Workplace delegatesā€™ rights provisions act agreement closingloopholes education fair work general protections modernawards nsw qld rights roadworkers tasmania union vic wa workpalcedeterminations workplace delegates Apr 15, 2024

Continuing our Closing Loopholes blog series, today we introduce the amendments made to enhance the rights and protections of workplace delegates. 


What is a workplace delegate? 

A person appointed or elected by a union to be a representative for union members working in a...

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