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Do you know the key differences between an Employee and independent Contractor?
From 26 August 2024 a new definition of employment has been added to the Fair Work Act, to assist businesses and individuals in clarifying if someone is considered an employee or a contractor.
Let's break...
Did you know employers can be held accountable for any discriminatory actions by their employees or agents? It's called vicarious liability -- here's how you can ensure your anti-discrimination policies meet the minimum requirements.
Why do I need an anti-discrimination policy? ...
Employees covered under a Modern Award are entitled to allowances for doing certain tasks, working in certain locations, using a special skill or for incurring expenses for doing their job.
A common example is the travel allowance which under some Awards provides an employee payment if the...
Changes to Right of Entry - Assisting Health and Safety Representatives
Effective from - 15 December 2023
The Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Act 2023 introduces amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009, enabling officials of registered organisations, without a Fair Work...
Closing Loopholes Act - Regulated Labour Hire Arrangement Jurisdiction
Effective from - 15 December 2023
The Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Act 2023 brings important changes to labour hire arrangements. Now, employees, unions, and host employers can apply to the Fair...