Welcome our new team members - Jeff & Sergio!
employee employii news hr hrofficer team update Mar 26, 2024This month we are excited to welcome Jeff, our newest HR Officer and Sergio, our most recent HR Intern. Together, Jeff and Sergio bring a variety of skills, HR knowledge and enthusiasm to learn. The team are thrilled to work alongside Jeff and Sergio as they find their feet at Employii.
Get to know our newest team members below!
Jeff - HR Officer
Jeff is currently studying a Master of Human Resources Management at UNSW (online) and has had a diverse career, first working as an employment lawyer and then later as a secondary school teacher.
Jeff has a strong interest in promoting employee wellbeing and mental health and creating supportive and psychologically safe workplaces.
When he's not at work, Jeff enjoys going on adventures with his young family, spending time in the great outdoors and going on date nights with his wife to check out some of Perth's best restaurants.
You can get in touch with Jeff at [email protected].
Sergio - HR Intern
Sergio joins us from Mexico! He is currently in his last semester of university, studying a Masters of Human Resources and Employment Relations at UWA.
He has prior experience as a financial consultant and as an entrepreneur, after founding a business in Mexico City. Sergio is interested in fair provision of employment opportunities and promoting diversity and inclusion.
Outside work, his favourite hobbies are soccer, watching movies and spending time with his friends.
Author: Jess Roughsedge (HR Officer)
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