Casual Conversion Provisions
Sep 15, 2023As a casual employee, you are accepting an offer of employment on the basis that there is no commitment to ongoing work with an agreed pattern of work. However, there is good news for those casual employees looking for permanent work!
So long as an employee has been working regular and systematic hours with the same employer for a 12-month basis, they may meet the requirements to request casual conversion.
What are the requirements that an employee needs to meet to be eligible to make a casual conversion request?
- The employee needs to have been employed for a minimum of 12 months
- The employee has worked a regular pattern of hours on an ongoing basis for the past 6 months
- The employee could continue working as a permanent employee without significant changes being made to their hours of work
If the employee has been working full-time equivalent hours for the past 6 months, they may be eligible for employment on a permanent full-time basis. If the employee has been working part-time equivalent hours for the past 6 months, they may be eligible for employment on a permanent part-time basis.
Employers with over 15 (part time, full time and regular/systematic casuals) Employees
It's important to note that the employer needs to determine if your position can be converted to permanent within 21 days of your 12-month anniversary. Employees need to be notified in writing if they are or are not being offered casual conversion.
... If you're thinking of accepting an offer for casual conversion, make sure you respond to your employer within 21 days ... or they can assume that you have declined!
Employers with under 15 (part time, full time and regular/systematic casuals) Employees
Casual conversion still applies, however there is no obligation for the Employer to reach out at the employee's 12 month anniversary.
If you're unsure about your entitlements to casual conversion or are an employer looking for extra advice, please reach out to the Employii team at [email protected]
For more information, check out Fair Work's website here.
Author: Chelsea Finlay (HR Officer)