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Drugs, Alcohol & Smoking Policy - Important Inclusions

alcohol drugs howtowriteapolicy hr compliance nsw nt policy policytipsandtricks qld sa smoking tasmania vicariousliability wa whattoincludeinapolicy Aug 30, 2024

In the process of drafting a Drugs, Alcohol & Smoking policy or not sure where to start? Continue reading for key tips, tricks & inclusions to update and/or draft your workplace policy. 


Why do I need a Drugs, Alcohol & Smoking policy? 

Both employees and employers hold a duty of care to the health and safety of themselves and those around them. Establishing a Drugs, Alcohol & Smoking policy that clearly outlines the purpose, scope and policy requirements can assist to reduce the risk of liability. 

Other reasons include but are not limited to: 

  • To provide direction to team members regarding the company's expectations; 
  • To outline what the company deems appropriate and not appropriate in the workplace; 
  • To define key procedures and how to report a suspected breach of the policy; and
  • To promote consistency amongst the team. 


 Here's a few tips and what you could include in your Drugs, Alcohol & Smoking policy: 

  1. The purpose behind the policy and the Company's stance on Drugs, Alcohol & Smoking
    • Consider if you want a 'Zero tolerance' policy. 
      • What does this actually mean?
      • Is it fair and reasonable in every circumstance?
      • Chat with the Employii team to see if it is right for you, or if another approach is better.   
  1. The broad scope of who the policies applies to and in what setting 
    • e.g employee, director, manager, contractor etc 
    • e.g the workplace, external training, social functions, client visits etc  
  2. Requirement for employees to present to work in a fit and professional state 
    • e.g never attending work under the influence or smelling of drugs and/or alcohol 
    • e.g never driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol 
  3. Company stance on smoking 
    • Is the workplace smoke free or partially smoke free? 
    • Can team members smoke on lunch breaks? 
    • What is the policy when a team member attends a location external to the office? (e.g attending a client site) 
    • What counts as 'smoking' in today's context?
  4. Work based social events
    • Will alcohol be provided at work social events? 
    • What is the expected standard of behaviour? (e.g do you have a code of conduct to refer to?) 
    • What information can you reinforce with team members? (e.g drink water throughout the event, ensure to eat food, never drive a vehicle while over the limit, consumption of illicit drugs is prohibited etc).  
  5. Outline a set procedure -  if someone is suspected to be under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, what will happen? 
    • Who do staff make a suspected or self-report to? 
    • What are the documentation requirements? 
    • Who will arrange for the staff member to get home safely? 
    • What are the testing requirements?  
  6. Breach of the policy  
    • What will happen after an incident? (e.g a meeting, deciding an outcome, following the workplace investigations policy etc) 


If you're are looking to draft a Drugs, Alcohol & Smoking Policy policy, unsure if your current policy is compliant or considering updates to your existing policy, please contact the Employii team via [email protected] and one of our HR Consultants can assist you through this process!