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Bookkeepers & Accountant


Use our Services to Improve Yours

  • Do you always get asked to draft contracts, job descriptions and policies?
  • Could you benefit from an expert sounding board in Award Interpretation?
  • Do you have a team of Bookkeepers or Accountants looking for professional development?

At Employii, we work with Bookkeepers and Accountants Australia-wide, to ensure better outcomes for our mutual clients. In HR, we appreciate the similarities in what we do and the overlap, yet recognise the differences in our skillsets. We focus on the HR, so you can focus on the books!

What is 'Accessorial Liability' & Why All Bookkeepers & Accountants Need to Know!

The Fair Work Ombudsman describes this as "Accessorial liability occurs when a person or company is involved in the contravention of a workplace law. When this happens, they’re treated the same way as the employer responsible for the contravention. They can be ordered by a court to pay employees’ unpaid wages and entitlements, as well as penalties for their involvement in the contravention" and have been taking a strict stance since 2018.

Take this example where Coles were held accessorily liable for contractors, despite their indirect relationship. This exercise cost them over $220k in back payments and penalties.

Let's work together to make sure people are paid right!

Simply purchase any of the 'Employer' packages to get the support you need.

Click here for Employer Packages